Massage & Bodyworks
Massage Therapy
Various methods include:
Trager Approach, also known as Trager Work and psychophysical integration therapy, was developed by Milton Trager, M.D. Over his lifetime beginning as a young man, Dr. Trager developed the system as a way to treat his own chronic back pain, which was the result of a congenital spinal deformity. He became fascinated by how the body coordinated its patterns of movement in response to chronic pain or injury.
Sarga Bodywork is a slow and graceful barefoot massage modality that delivers therapeutic myofascial and deep tissue work. The Sarga practitioner utilizes a fabric strap fastened to the massage table for stability and to add tensional and gravitational force to specific manual therapy methods. These methods, combined with the broad contact surface of the foot facilitate less restriction and more ease and relaxation in recipients’ bodies.
30-minute session: $65
45-minute session: $85
60-minute session: $110
90- minute session: $150
120- minute session: $200